Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The art of dealing with people

Just as I was about to rush to my local supermarket to fetch some groceries while returning from my work(you should understand that I was really tired here); I found a man asking me for few minutes of my time.
This guy was apparently from some NGO and he asked me if I have heard about them.
I just said 'NO' and this astonished him so much; he was very upset with me and then said "What do you do here?" He sounded like a school teacher frowning at his student for not doing the home-work.

I told him I work for xxx company.
Then he started explaining to me about why electric bulbs shouldnt be used, how is electricity produced,why should we be using energy saver lamps, blah blah and blah.
All the while I could do nothing but nod my head like an idiot but I was not the only one doing that there.

I wanted to cut his conversation short and hence asked him "So, what can I do for you guys?" to which he smiled and said "You can do so much if you dont interrupt me".

As a result I had to listen to blah blah blah again.

After all that he asks me " So what do you think of us - good/better/best or worst" with a smile. It was so funny to me; anyway I didnt reply to that.

Then comes the climax.They want people to give them either their credit card/bank account details which I didnt understand why we should be doing to register for an NGO by listening to some XYZ for 15 mins.I refused to do so and the guy was apparently upset.
He was cursing at the back of his mind.

What surprised me and made me write a post on my blog after a long time was how can people be so foolish/illogical.
He says I need not contribute anything rightaway but I should be giving my bank account details.

Anyway; I would like to conclude saying all these NGOs and social workers should be trained in the art of dealing with people.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meee blogs lo pattu poindi Usha garu..anyways tried is the good thing..ALL THE BEST..

Mon Dec 08, 12:24:00 AM PST  

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